Setting your photography business up to survive the pandemic

May 01, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

During times of drought, we must prepare for times of abundance.

I posted this status early this morning on my facebook, it reminded me to stay motivated. This will end eventually,  will your photography business survive?   I am confident mine will.  We will pull through this.  I wanted to share with others the steps I am taking to really ensure this.   

I wake up early, this is my business time, You may be more of a night owl and thats ok.  Whatever time is best for you make sure you are setting aside dedicated work time.  Time to reflect, time to focus and time to work.  The work you put in now will pay off and serve for a more abundant future.

First thing I do each morning is create a focus list by writing down my intentions for each day, this helps me to stay on task and lays out all of my tasks in front of me.   (Me personally I write this all down,  there's something satisfying about using a notepad and pen and physically marking off each task click to find --->> My favorite notepad )  



Now is the time for marketing.  Reevaluate what works for your business and what did not. With an uptick in cancelations and postponements it is more important than ever to make sure when you do invest the funds you have them doing the most work possible for you.  Make sure to also assess your marketing budget to determine what is best for you and your current situation.

When marketing aim for the future. Adjust your contracts to reflect that session dates are subject to change.

Booking for the future and taking deposits for these sessions can help keep you afloat until business is back in full swing. 

Stay Connected:

Do not forget your previous clients, it is more cost effective to sell to existing clients then acquire new ones.  Be genuine, check on your clients let them know you are still there & you care.  Send out weekly or even biweekly newsletters.  

Improving online presence:

It is a great time to upload those photos that maybe you were too busy to upload and post before, write that blog you have been putting off,  work on metadata and seo.  There are currently more people online then ever right now,  take advantage of that.  


Some resources for photographers you havn't heard of yet:

PPA has unlocked there education: go learn for free

Documentary relief fund for freelancers

The IWMF's Journalism Relief Fund is open to women-identifying journalists in dire straits

Emergency fund for jouranlist

Prix Levallois

artist relief

Harpo Foundation

NC Artist Relief




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